Great Morning

BN1 sunrise 02.11.13GREAT MORNING, My Spiritual Family and Friends. Woke up this morning LOVING GOD and GIVING THANKS! For remembering the benevolence of God as the Apostle Matthew writes, to the Jews then and to us now.  Illuminating the goodwill of God as Jesus and HIS disciples went out, behold, how they brought to Jesus a dumb man possessed of the devil. The devil is cast out, the dumb spoke: and the multitudes marveled, saying this was never seen in Israel. But the Pharisees said, HE cast out devils through the prince of devils. Saints we must not forget, because of the benevolence of God, Matthew records the goodness of God. “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” (Matt. 9:32-35 KJV) Happy living and loving life so loved, because of the benevolence of God, as we go out; devils are being cast out and the dumb speak, and we glorify God in the LORDs’ divine overflow!!! Loving Love, Loving God, Loving me, Loving you, Loving one another!!! comment, like, share! “Keep It Going,” Now That’s New Talk! Be Safe And Stay Blessed! BishopN1