Great Morning

BN1 sunrise 09.29.14GREAT MORNING, My Spiritual Family and Friends. Woke up this morning LOVING GOD and GIVING THANKS! For remembering Happiness, as the Writer, wrote to the Children of Israel then and to us today. Illuminating the Revelation of the Word of God, Happiness. As the writer made clear, as we bend our ear to wisdom and have a heart for knowledge. So our trust would be in the LORD, which would be made known to us this day, through the Wisdom and Knowledge of God. Saints we must not forget, we have Happiness, as the Writer made it even more clear. “How the LORD has had written to us the excellent things in counsels and knowledge, that we would know without a doubt the reality of the Word of Truth.(Prov. 22:19&20 KJV) Happy Living and Loving Life so Loved, with Happiness, bending our ear to wisdom, with a heart for knowledge, trusting in Christ Jesus, in the LORDs’ divine overflow!!! Loving Love, Loving God, Loving me, Loving you, Loving one another, Happy, trusting in the reality of the Word of Truth!!!! comment, like, share! “Keep It Going 100” Now That’s New Talk! Be Safe And Stay Blessed! BishopN1