Another Son-ny Day!

Celebrating Christ 01.12.14For the wicked boasteth of his heart’s desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorred. Ps. 10:3 (KJV) Saints remember Love is righteous, as the Psalmist wrote to the Children of Israel then and to us today. Illuminating the Revelation of the Word of God, Love is righteous, as the Psalmist made it clear. In his writing making known to us. How “the wicked boasts of their heart’s desire, and praise the greedy.” Saints we must not forget, Love is righteous, and does not rejoice in unrighteousness, as the Psalmist made it even more clear. These are they that praise the greedy, whom the LORD, detest. Happy Living and Loving Life so Loved, for Love is righteous as we are humble, unselfish and generous in the LORDs’ divine overflow!!! Loving Love, Loving God, Loving me, Loving you, Loving one another for Love is righteous as we Love and do the Will of God!!! comment, like, share! “Keep It Going 100” Now That’s New Talk! Be Safe And Stay Blessed! BishopN1